Terms of Use


This website and mobile application (the Site) is owned by K-Town Apartments, LLC, which is referred to in this agreement as "K-Town Apartments", "us", "we", or "our". By accessing the Site, you agree to this General Terms of Use. You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to use our site. You are responsible for the safekeeping of any username, password, or permanent link you create on this account.

Personal Use of Website

Personal License to Use the Website

K-Town Apartments provides you with a personal, nontransferable and non-exclusive license to use this site. We may temporarily or permanently revoke this license at any time without notice. The license and service is not guaranteed or warranted. The license and site is subject to change without notice. If a license is revoked or terminated, it does not terminate or revoke your agreement to this General Terms of Use.

Limitations and Restrictions for Use of the Website

Unless you have our written approval, you agree to use this site for personal use only and never for commercial purposes or with malintent. You agree not to copy, distribute, modify, license, sell, store, adapt, reproduce, or create derivative works from the information provided on this site. You also agree not to use any logos, trademarks, or service marks without proper written approval.

Search Results

K-Town Apartments does not guarantee or warrant our apartment search or the information listed for apartment communities. We seek to maintain accurate, updated information but cannot guarantee the information shown. Likewise, our search algorithm intends to give you the best results possible for your preferences but cannot guarantee the recommendations listed will be your best or most likely choice. You agree not to hold us liable or at fault for apartment results. Our site provides tools to help find an apartment and is meant to be used with your judgment.

$100 Rewards

We do not guarantee $100 Reward payments on all properties. Only communities with the proper $100 icon and eligibility statement on their profile are eligible for payment. Rewards are only offered when you rent an apartment from an eligible community and mention K-Town Apartments on the application for the way you found the community. Communities are responsible for confirming and submitting your $100 Reward. Please contact your apartment community and email us at feedback@ktownapts.com if you have any trouble with your Reward.

Your Shared Content

Definition of Shared Content

Shared Content means any content, such as but not limited to images, prices, text, features or video, that you display, share, enter, give, upload, transfer, or send to us or this Site.

Rights to Use Information

K-Town Apartments retains an irrevocable, perpetual right to use, display, share, license to third parties, modify, assign, publish, translate, edit, create derivative works from, and delete your Shared Content.

Restricted Shared Content

Unless you are given proper authority by the owner, your Shared Content must not infringe on confidentiality, copyright, trademark, or intellectual property rights of another person or entity.

Your Shared Content shall not be obscene, illegal, misleading, threatening, abusive, pornographic, political, or defamatory material. Your Shared Content shall not promote fraudulent schemes.

Privacy Agreement

Reasonable Care

K-Town Apartments will use reasonable care to prevent the unauthorized use or dissemination of your account information. Reasonable care means at least the same degree of care K-Town uses to protect its own confidential information from unauthorized disclosure.

You are responsible for the safekeeping of your permanent links, usernames and account passwords.

Cookies and Other Automatically Collected Content

K-Town Apartments may use cookies or other automatically collected content to help provide a better user experience. Cookies and other automatically collected content are treated as your Shared Content for the purposes of this General Terms of Use.


You must be at least eighteen (18) years old to use our site and to add, access, represent, or edit an apartment community account. K-Town Apartments has no intention of collecting information about children under the age of thirteen (13). If you suspect that a child under the age of thirteen(13) has used our site and we have collected information from them, please email us at feedback@ktownapts.com with the permanent link or account information so we may permanently delete this information and account.

Other Terms of the Agreement


If any provision of the Terms of Membership shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.


This General Terms of Use may be amended at any time by K-Town Apartments, LLC.

Governing Law

This General Terms of Use shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee.


Any dispute arising out of this General Terms of Use shall be resolved by binding arbitration. K-Town Apartments, LLC and you shall agree on an arbitrator. If an arbitrator cannot be mutually agreed upon, each party shall choose an arbitrator. These two arbitrators shall select an independent arbitrator and all three shall preside jointly over the matter. During the arbitration, the parties shall continue to perform the obligations and abide by the rules of this agreement. The losing party, as deemed by the arbitrator or arbitrators, will be responsible for both parties’ legal fees associated with the case at a rate commensurate with the local jurisdiction of legal fees.


You agree to indemnify K-Town Apartments, LLC and its members, employees, and representatives against all claims, liabilities and costs, including reasonable attorney fees, of defending any third party claim or suit arising out of your violation of this Terms of Membership. You further agree to be responsible for any damages that result from your violation of this Terms of Membership.

Intellectual Property Infringement Claims

K-Town Apartments, LLC represents, but does not warrant, that to the best of its knowledge the K-Town Apartments site and materials will not infringe any valid and existing intellectual property right of any third party.

Please notify us at feedback@ktownapts.com if you believe we have infringed on any intellectual property right. Please include a description of the infringement, the appropriate contact information (owner or agent) for responding to the claim, and a statement stating that the owner, or agent, does not authorize the current use.